Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cool Stuff

http://theyesmen.org/ - realy entertianing activists

http://freedocumentaries.org/film.php?id=43 a Vital and intersting Documentry:

- a online archive of documents from governements
during the Cold War

http://www.g7welcomingcommittee.com/ - its a Winnipeg record label started by members
of the punk band Propagandhi and features some
pretty awesome generally politicaly oriented music
(not limited to punk)

http://www.truthlifedocumentary.com/projects.php -I saw a portion of one of their
documentries at a film festival recently. its
pretty interesting and explores peoples
realityies and how we take our sweat lives
for granted.

http://www.myspace.com/burnside780 - all kinds of music, interesting interviews and proof of a positive world community.

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