Well I have had a mixed technological relationship with things like Facebook twiter and well blogs for that mater. I never set out on my own to join one of these things but have always been asked by friends to do so. what I like about Facebook is that I can communicate with my friends- what I hate about, aside from the increased dependence upon it that it creates (I miss the old phone call or even email), is all the inane bullshit that comes with it. The stalker's paradise/ cultivation network there is so much information you can learn about someone so why not facebook creep- an accepted thing to say to people kind of a I'm board so I looked at a bunch of useless stuff about you and now we are some how closer in a way you would have thought was fucking creepy in the years before facebook. The best example of the useless information I could do with out is the "what am i doing feature" why do I not like it: because I don't need to know what my friends are doing at all hours I couldn't care less if they are taking a shit! The part that makes this worse for me is how when I log into facebook* I am bombarded with information about what my friends profile picture has been changed to or the fact that they have commented on steves joining of the 'I eat my scaps group' It is not that I don't like my friends its just there are things about them that I don't want to or would be better not knowing.
Then came Twitter yay its even more pointless than facebook all it is; is status posting yay I can find out that Steve is currently munching on a juicy scab....mmm good. Now twitter has redeemed its self for me well kind of. Iran Had an election last Friday and not surprisingly there was some questionable election practices. since the results were released there have been protests and being an authoritarian government, Iranian oficials have cracked down on these demonstrations and on alternate news sources. Enter twitter: Iranians with the ass
*maybe I don't have to put up with this and could program my preferences differently but I don't plan to become proficient enough in facebook as I have better things to do.... well probably not but hey
more on stalker tendancys of facebook: http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.flyguychronicles.com/wp-content/themes/flyguychronicles_v2/fgc/images/newarticlepics/stalker.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flyguychronicles.com/2008/06/you-might-be-a-stalker-if/&usg=__C2GxHKUemArj4XfQ0KPHcYXVcjQ=&h=250&w=400&sz=81&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=rRV3S_Ux0nr8FM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Da%2Bstalker%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DG%26um%3D1
(Yes I know i suck with useing technology)
I'm not sure how you feel about this, but I find that I'm getting a little burnt out with using facebook, twitter, etc etc. Maybe it's because people like you and I are actually concerned with what we would put 'in print', and therefore find ourselves bewildered at how to come up with a seemingly endless amount of worthy content.
ReplyDeleteAlso, your Milton Friedman link was pretty great, except my internet is so motherfucking laggy that it took me about 5 hours to watch it. JESUS. When you coming to visit???